Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Have you seen my Modjo?

I've been toying around with an effect called "tilt/shift" that allows you to turn certain pictures into "toys". When I went to London, one of my first stops was to St. Paul's Cathedral. It's an architectural wonder, built 100 years after it was designed. It's also very, very high. This was one of several shots from the top, which is about 350 feet. From the background [black, top right] , you can see another architectural wonder, The Gherkin. Now I have my own little Metropolis.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

And more great news... in the news...

Polaroid is making a comeback. Apparently there has been an overwhelming response by users like me and others that use films like polaroids, that the company is reversing a decision to continue manufacturing of it's T films. Read it all here. WOW, amazing to think that when I signed up for "Save the Polaroids", I was actually doing some good. This is amazing shit.

I'm on a Hassie binge...

After feeling like I'm still missing something. I think it's time to get a Hasselblad 550 CM. It's a medium format film camera, sturdy, that takes square pictures. Now you say, "Why on earth would you do that [Go back to shooting film]? Film is still being used to this very day in fashion magazines and some of the high output photography. Much like LP's or vinyl (records), it's an industry standard and will never go away. It makes my heart smile to think of a Hassie in my hands. I can't wait.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Seasons Greetings, in any language or holiday spirit you may wish.

One of many favorite holiday items. Here are 2, wines and photography. I hope you all have a memorable season, rich and poor.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A picture describes all 8 years of BU[SH] SHIT!

Just click on the picture for a bigger view. We haven't forgotten about 9-1-1!

Less than a month to go before the next Presidential change over.

...and I couldn't let it go on any longer...

for all you that thought that little Bush could actually pull off anything more than scandals and a corrupt government.
I'm pretty sure toasting to a new administration on NYE will be up there on the highlight of the night for the liberal news media.
Here's to a better future, one filled with clean air, pure water, renewed interest in natural resources, better education, a stablized economy, putting our children and country first, structurizing our financial addictions and burdens. Here's to better streets, schools, institutions to help the elderly, real foundations to assist our VFW's, regaining our dignity as a world class leader, to the transparency of a real government and not a secluded, secret nazi society, to no more fires in the vice president's office, to the end of corruption from top to bottom of the White House, to the continued vigilance of grand juries into the 9-1-1, the calling of heads for the financial meltdown, and the injustices that have been done from those that have used Liberty in the name of greed. May they all pay for the sake that have lost all.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Crossroads

I always seem to find myself coming in full circle. I walked away from the glamour of club night life and here I am again, being absorbed into it once again. This time, like always, is a new twist. I have been in heavy with fashion and seem to sway that way. Here's to whatever may lay ahead. Here are some friends from a Magnum Opus holiday party I went to. I've been working with them from the LUCID show.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's good to be King.

The fashion shoot for LUCID over the weekend had a great turnout for as little time promoting and last minute stuff was in order. I guess we actually have a following from the last time. I did some soul searching and found out I still need another lens, lol. I'm still in post production on the photos, so wait around a bit, I think you'll like it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

There's a hole in my pocket. I went holiday shopping today for me and me only. I hammered out my Nikon wish list in just one day. I afforded the 85mm f/1.8, 105mm f/1.8, and the 70-200mm f/2.8. That's a lot of sea shells by the sea shore for me. I guess I'll have to start collecting cans to keep up with the addiction. Can't wait for the results of these lens.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Drunk on your love, now I thirst for you.

Busy week to come. LUCID is back, making it's sophomore debut in Sacramento for the fashion aficionado's. Lots of background, in the making stuff and keeping busy. Get ready for those photos. Can you believe it? Already into Christmas shopping and the New Year is right around the corner. Does it even feel like the holidays, I'm still not feeling it...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's a rare treat to hunt your own.

Going out to shoot anywhere is always fun. It's like people watching except they know you're there with the big lens aiming at them. Like most photographers, we aren't seen too much because we work behind the lens all the time. So, it's nice every once in awhile to hunt the hunted.
BTW, I went to SF to shoot by the Pier and forgot about all the street peddlers who think they own your property when you shoot them and try to extort money from you when you do. I call BS. You can shoot pictures of who ever you want. There's no law. Keep shooting and don't pay them any mind or money.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Domino Dancing

The economy has been on the news lately, especially bankruptcy of companies and unforeseen closures and failures of others. I'm not worried about Big 3 automakers. They have been blind to see that for years the growing trend, that smaller, more efficient cars are making a taking a larger share of the market. This isn't just the CEO's who thought pushing nostalgic gas guzzlers at a time when gasoline was on the rise, or the BOD who were sold on this idea, or the union's that bought off on this also, it just wasn't one person and something that happened overnight. It was a fatal error of sound judgment and now that they see a soup line, they want their share, except... no soup for you.
Why is it not so wrong to let them file for bankruptcy? Airlines have been doing this for years. Restructure, reorganize, plan, execute, all the things required of a Fortune 500 company. The fat cats were doing so well with their money only a few years ago. They could have easily rewritten history then. What happened to the hybrids, the electric cars, all the glitz to show us you cared so much about the environment? You didn't care then, and you don't care now. But you still want some of this pie.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ever get the feeling that you're watching life in slow motion?

That's how I'm feeling just right about now.

Just not very productive. I must have hit a wall or curve. I think I'll go for a walk and ponder some more stuff to be creative and active.
A lot of buzz with the Prop 8 repeal folks and around the nation. This IS the civil rights movement of this decade. Recession, repression, depression, oppression... people just need to get along. It's not about you, it's about THEM (Gays and Lesbians) and their happiness. You're church didn't define marriage unless you tend to think the world started when churches were developed. "Marriage" or the "Union" of two people were recognized long before written history, long before the Bible. I thought this land was founded upon fleeing from religious prosecution? I guess if your religion don't fit in, you'll have to be oppressed, annihilated or forced to convert and repent a life not worth living... sound familiar? This time I don't think anyone is going anywhere.
Don't tell me you have GLBT friends and voted Yes on 8, because that's just telling me that you're a fair-weather bigot. No need in to be egocentric in this world anymore. Look what the last 8 years have done to us. But if you voted for Bush, McCain, and Prop 8, then I'm just wasting my time with you.

Don't believe the hype. The only one that's gonna burn in hell is you for spreading lies and deceit about your fellow man.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why do you care about Proposition 8 or should care.

It's about love, about two people wanting to celebrate and spending the rest of their lives together in bliss. It's not about your belief, it's about their happiness. It's about a simple freedom that you take for granted.
Why do you really care or should about Proposition 8? It is one of the only few propositions in history to take away a right of civilized people. When you dictate to others who you can love, how you can live, and take away that civility, than it is not worth living a false lie. In California this year alone, Proposition 2 was passed allowing chickens and caged animals more room to live freely in their cages while, same sex marriages are banned. We have given more rights to animals than people. What kind of society are we? What are we saying to others? People who love one another, pay taxes, have actively participated in your communities and society are being stripped of an inalienable right to pursue happiness. Proponents of Proposition 8 sold to Californians the fear and hate from the religious right. Spreading lies and deceit that your children will be harmed by same sex marriages. The same lies used under inter-racial marriages as well as other lies used to control any population deemed unworthy of human rights. This is an issues that will not go quietly in the night. Opposition for Proposition 8 is not just Gays and Lesbians, we have included civil rights movements, minorities, people of religious rights that believe it is a sin but do not wish to have others suffer under a zealous right wing. Your children will look at this one day and wonder why, we can't accept that if two people who love one another, can't they get married and spend the rest of their lives in happiness. Why? This isn't 1963. Welcome to the world of tolerance and acceptance. I leave you, with this very powerful verse, from Love Is.

"In this world we've created
In this place that we live
In the blink of an eye the darkness slips in
Love lights the world
Unites the lovers for eternity"
Love Is - Brian McKnight and Vanessa Williams

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back to business not as usual

The elections are over. We have a new president. The fact that he's black is irrelevant to me but to some. The neo-con Christians have gained an edge for Proposition 8 passing, the same sex marriage. Babies having babies won't be killing themselves. Sacramento has a new mayor. And that's all I recall of the politics. Keep pushing and keep trying. Race isn't a color and Love isn't a gender. It shouldn't be anyway...

Monday, November 3, 2008

2 more days, the longest 2 days

2 more days til the election is over and America will have a new leader. Most definitely a better one than the last of 8 years. Whom ever it may be needs to work across the aisle to make all these difficult choices quickly and make things right or steer it in the right direction. How will you celebrate it? It's been a long and difficult ordeal. This year was one that everyone voiced their opinion and that's what make this nation the greatest.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I see dark clouds out my window, and I know the storm is coming any minute.

So, today, officially starts the holiday weekend of Halloween or Dia de Muierta. I have a cold, the kind that leaves your nose dripping constantly. I know, it's kinda hot. It's also supposed to be wet today with a 30% chance of rain. We need this rain for the next several days. It rained yesterday with a 50% chance which included thunderstorms. I love the sound of down strikes and lighting and the electricity in the air when it happens. I've been busy with some other stuff like paperwork and reading up on some old books that I haven't had time to really grab the camera. It's off tonight to feign off the ghouls and have a merry time with a mini pub crawl.
Oh, 4 days left to vote. Don't be a sissy la la and not vote. It's too important, it always is.
If you have to ask, I think the GOP are a bunch of assholes for not realizing the change in our world, for fucking up our economy and bailing out the same assholes that caused this mess, think 80's with McCain and the S&L banking scandal and Enron, Worldcom, etc..., for ruining our global image with the go-alone-cowboy, for putting a female Bush into office thinking we want another 4 more years of what former Secretary of State, Lawrence Eagleberger says, "Give her some time in the office and I think the answer would be, she will be adequate. I can't say that she would be a genius in the job, but I think she would be enough to get us through a four-year." That's the same bullshit we were fed these last four years.
For not really caring enough to actually have a plan for the economy, social security, education, health care, energy, or Iraq, these all lead into our National Security interests, not the fear loathing propaganda spewing forth from your lips thinking you can pray this stuff away, what were you thinking, and now in the final moments you want to break away from your master? What a pathetic maverick.
And mostly thank you senator McCain for running such a dignified, honest campaign that has broken you from your Trojan GOP horse, by lying, distorting, ignoring facts, figures, and most of all, feeding the racism with contempt even more today than ever. I supported you back in 2000 because you were a man of great stature, dignity, a distinguished POW and because I didn't want an idiot in the White House. Things, people, and times have changed and so have you. Because you never really had a plan, you have managed to call Obama every name in the political dictionary but "nigger" because you don't have to, your fan base does that for you. That doesn't instill leadership at all, it brings on a mob mentality, lest you forget.

Never again,

OBAMA 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

What to do with all this free time.

It's fast approaching Halo's Eve. the sound of clackers disappear to be replaced by slow drudging rhythmic boot stomping. Cue "Thriller", after all these years, MJ is slow making a comeback. What are you gonna do when they come for you?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

A time to build up, a time to break down. A time to dance, a time to mourn. A time to cast away stones. A time to gather stones together.

26 names were added this year to the California Memorial of fallen Firefighters. 26 six names, 26 flag bearers before you. Countless memories and untold stories of heroes that died in the line of duty or as a result of their sacrifice of duty. Let it not be forgotten that there is no greater love than when it is he who lays down his life before you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All the above and some

I'm exhausted. I'm physically and emotionally drained. 6 weeks to find out you didn't make the cut on the 2nd to last day. Some didn't take it as well as me. It's not pretty to see grown men cry. I am numb, empty, hungry, homeless, speechless. I need some sleep and a plan B.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's still purple skies from where I stand.

"Welcome to the Purple Skies." That's what they say. It's week 4 and 2 to go for graduation. The instructors are starting to put some stress factors on for us to handle. I aptly volunteered for the slide show of course. Cliques are forming among the groups, faces are starting to identify with names, weariness is the latest fashion. It's time I walk away for the weekend and take a break. Food in the cafeteria isn't working with me, so I'm losing weight, along with others, lol. Salad is becoming a staple and not a side. There was almost a revolt after having to eat off campus for 3 meals, all weekend, for 2 weekends at a local Pizza shop. Starbucks and Sushi seem to be a much anticipated nightly if not weekly release for a lot of us. Some of the cadets aren't handling the good cop vs bad cop act. It takes a different mindset to understand and go with it. See you soon. Life is good.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's one big party!

I started the academy with the knowledge of that some old friends are already on the way. It's like a high school reunion with some and bonding with others. It makes for an interesting start. 5 more weeks of this schooling to be schooled and I'm off. I'm not too inspirational and getting tired by the minute. I might just post some more photos, or not. I'm only using the pocket camera for the duration of the academy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yes We Can.

Myspace Codes & Myspace Code

Watching politicians tonight at the RNC leads me to believe they have no soul, no way out of Iraq, and no clue as to what the American people want. They failed to tell the American people that they intend to continue with the failed Bush Administrations policies in economy, world matters and continue to drill for oil when this nation needs more refineries, for the last 30 years, that would reduce oil prices. Nothing moved me watching VP candidate Palin ramble on about how McCain was a POW. Being shot out of the sky doesn't make you a great or even good presidential candidate. Continuing to drag us into economic disaster and not having a sound economic plan and continuing to use the same failed systems in place just means, you either don't have a clue to how to solve the current mess we're in or you are definitely out of touch with the people.

Why is gas one of the highest in the nation, in Alaska, if we are already drilling there, Mrs. Palin?
Why are we still in Iraq?
How are we supposed to solve our plunging economy with the same disastrous path?
Why has no one mentioned that McCain is a flip flopper at this point?
Maverick? I think not.
Why has no one mentioned that McCain is linked to the S & L scandal of the 80's?
If he is such an honorable man, why is he the only politician to ever announce on national TV that Obama would be in Afghanistan and Iraq on a certain date? No other politician or military leader would ever do that.

Change is now overdue and Obama is our hope for a better future.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I found her only to lose her again...

I hope everyone had a good Labor Day Holiday. I spent mine with friends at a BBQ, marked with mustaches, eye patches, and an adult themed pinata. Not too restless as I get ready to disappear again, this time for 6 weeks to the fire academy. We went out later on in the night to Asylum for some fun. I found a girl at the club that I think is uber cute/hot. I fall for the plain Jane's. She had short blonde hair, 80's style, curled in, and black nylons, short black skirt. Very hot. She was with another group of friends but came up to me later on in the night because she remembered me from the Press Club. Too bad for me, she was with already with a date.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm back from London.

I had a head cold when I started, loaded up on the vitamins and was carefree, and then came home with another one. I had a fantastic time in London. I stayed at the Holiday Inn in Brentford Lock. I took a bus and tube daily to get into central London and the outskirts for some sightseeing and some get away time. I'd have to say that London, isn't too far from San Francisco in nightlife and infrastructure. Instead of a bay, you have canals and waterways. Plenty to see, a really massive list of things to do, and not enough time for it all. By the 3rd or 4th day, I had already physically exhausted myself and wanted a vacation from the vacation. I happened on a fashion show in Trafalga Square one night and decided to brave the cold to get a few shots in. I would like to thank the wonder people of Brentford and the O'Brien Pub house for making my stay so comforting and friendly. It made me feel like I never left home. Here are some of the photos that I am sharing. If you want to see more, then you'll have to jolly over to my Flickr to see the rest. I took an extensive amount, so it'll take a while until they all surface.

Today, I'm a somebody.

One of my photos was chosen to represent The Press Club today. It's part of a free publication of maps of local cities and restaurants, as well as night spots.

You can click on the pictures to scroll through to see the places and photos with the credits of people who took them.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cops on the streets and the pavement is burning. I sit around.

So I've got 2 more days before I head off to London for some fun. Looking forward to see how much trouble, errr fun I can have over there. So the temps starting to soar in the late 90's and peaked at some century marks. Friends are all networking to stay cool. It's amazing, meeting some of the people while rafting down the river. I ran into a guy from the last time who I guess lives along the river. Well, I have to finish packing and have a dinner with a very beautiful lady in San Francisco before jumping on the big jumbo.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Addicted to Porn.

I have been surfing and counting pocket change way too much with all this free time. All I do now-a-days is look at countless camera pron. Yes, it's true.
Some of my lifetime wish lists include these.

When you need a get around lens, here it is. The Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8. fast response times calls for favoritism in the Nikon world. You too can get one. It fetches a price tags of roughly $1,700.00

The Nikon D700, the first medium full frame format camera from Nikon to extend it's market share when it introduced the D300. It boasts a price tag of approximately $3,000.00 or so.

The Nikkor 24-70mmf/2.8. I have a Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 that I shoot with a lot, but it's not the same. AF speed is what it's all about. You gotta have the best glass for the buck to get the bang, errr... something like that. Retails for under $1,700.00.

I could only dream of holding a Leica M8. It is the mark off all photography. Simplistic, drawn and engineered when men were men, and women were in the kitchen. Although it is a DSLR, it doesn't operate like one. You have to manually focus, remember the olden days? The design hasn't changed in the body style since cameras were invented. Price, $5,000.00 and some, without the lens.

The Nikon D3. The flagship of Nikon and Nikon shooters in mind. It boasts a 9fps continuous capability up to 11 fps in DX mode. ISO from 200 - 25,600. That's almost pitch black, almost. the price has dropped off a little bit into the low $4000.

I plan on getting 2 or 3 sometime soon.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What if there were no computers? What would you do?

I've been toying with some softwares for post production of my photographs. Adobe Light Room 2, which isn't working out all that great for me, but is a pretty good tool. Some Photo Shop 3, which is a must have.
Just click on the pictures.
I picked up this Topaz Adjust application, that's a plug-in for the PS3 and compatible with some other post production software. I think it's kinda cool. It takes the pictures that you've taken and given it a artsy, futuristic feel to it. I can't see me actually using it, but that could change if I go to London and come back with a couple gigs of architectural shots. It's pretty cheap and user friendly. I'll give it a go and keep it for awhile. Tell me what you think.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Friends are like suprises in toys.

All good things must come to an end. Whether they continue on, is an effort you must put forth. Camping was fruitful. A little sunburn, a lot of friends, and countless memories. I forgot how windy it can be on the coast. It was definitely worth the time to drive a scenic route to Ocean Cove, next to Still Water Cove, Sonoma County. We had friends who dove for abalone, some cracked jokes, others cooked, as well as forgetting the guitar for the campfire songs. Plenty of photo opportunities as the sun rose and set. It was a great trip.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sometimes you miss the wonders that surround you.

I forget about how beautiful life is. There are so many ways to express it and countless more on how to interpret what you see. Art, like life, is subjective. Sacramento is a very conservative town and I still have to agree a great place to live and grow old. It holds very historical landmarks, waterways, and within driving distance, oceans, hills, forests, and the metropolitan life.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

R comes after Q right?

I am having the hardest time adjusting to life right now. I'm trying to install Adobe Lightroom on my Mac and it's killing me. I have the Leopard OSX and running the Dual Intel processor. I have plenty of HD memory and am running into all sorts of walls. Luckily this is only a trial version for me. I've heard so much good stuff about what this program can do for my photos. Apparently, I never heard about the loading and installation end. Website after website for help, it's the same thing. Adobe takes forever to get back to you and this error/issue isn't anything new. Seems it's been ongoing since the start. What makes it worse, is that I have my 2 IT friends working on this issue with me and it's not flowing. I have faith. I tried to post a comment about the possible way to fix this on a site but the site requires you answer somethings to make sure you're human. One of the questions was, "What letter comes after Q"? It's R, R, R, R. I even sang the alphabet song, TWICE, and it won't let me post. lol
I know, I've lost my grip on reality.
Fast forward 2 hrs later; Talking more with Jeff, I tried the last option I could think of, creating a new profile account and opening it with the new account. OMG, it worked. I'm in the process of reverse engineering. I am reinstalling Adobe Lightroom in the guest account and opening it in my regular account. This should work now. Thanks Jeff.

I'm just looking forward to a camping trip this weekend and posting some photos when I get back.
Just an update on my health. The numbness in my leg is going away. I can't say it's all gone, but it's getting there. There is definitely more mobility and strength in it. It seems to be always tired 24/7, like a just ran a 10k. I have really great tone in the right leg. I've been icing it and staying home and not being to physical to limit it but have been doing the therapy doc says I need to. BTW, I blew my back out about 3 weeks ago. Diagnosed with Sciatica, not pretty. I seriously hope that I can recover in time to go to London and bring you some very interesting Architectural photos. I think I have a shoot today.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I love my summertime with friends.

Not being too active with the distracting injury, I thought I'd do my own rehab and join the gang for a little Kickball. Something we haven't done in awhile. I pulled out the Peleng 8mm fisheye to play. I got a shot of the Lodi Crusher. lol

Riding on the high

After the fashion show, I was intrigued once more on how I can push the limits on my camera and my skills. I headed out to Barcode. Asylum is Gothic night and a hangout I frequent. I love the crowd, very mellow, and all dressed up. The music is great. I got a hold of Bryan Hawk, resident dj for Asylum, and got in without a prob. I dumbed down the camera and put a small dedicated lens on for the night so as not to scare anyone. I used a Nikon AF 55mm f/1.8. Here's the results. If you goto my Flickr you can catch a glimpse into the shots I took for the night in the Asylum set.

In the beginning.

I chose this medium to concentrate on the things that matter most to me. My life and photography. It's constantly changing, but these are what's in the forefront as of right now.
I've been out on work injury for the past 2 weeks now. This has given me quality time with the new camera, the Nikon D300. Let me just say, it has not disappointed me one bit and worth every penny i have sunk into it so far.
So just the other day, I get contacted from a friend I haven't seen or heard from in awhile. She, Anne Zavala, wants me to shoot for her. She was throwing a fashion event called, LUCID. It was her first, and there were other photographers as well. How can you not say yes?
I shot the prelaunch photos with a Nikon AF 55mm f/1.8. For the show, I opted for the Sigma AF 24-70mm f/2.8.

More of this set can be seen in my Flickr, here, LUCID