This is a story of my life, my photography, and my friends. It all goes hand in hand, shouldn't it? I thought it was nice to read life in a first person perspective from others. I hope you do too.
Going out to shoot anywhere is always fun. It's like people watching except they know you're there with the big lens aiming at them. Like most photographers, we aren't seen too much because we work behind the lens all the time. So, it's nice every once in awhile to hunt the hunted. BTW, I went to SF to shoot by the Pier and forgot about all the street peddlers who think they own your property when you shoot them and try to extort money from you when you do. I call BS. You can shoot pictures of who ever you want. There's no law. Keep shooting and don't pay them any mind or money.
The economy has been on the news lately, especially bankruptcy of companies and unforeseen closures and failures of others. I'm not worried about Big 3 automakers. They have been blind to see that for years the growing trend, that smaller, more efficient cars are making a taking a larger share of the market. This isn't just the CEO's who thought pushing nostalgic gas guzzlers at a time when gasoline was on the rise, or the BOD who were sold on this idea, or the union's that bought off on this also, it just wasn't one person and something that happened overnight. It was a fatal error of sound judgment and now that they see a soup line, they want their share, except... no soup for you. Why is it not so wrong to let them file for bankruptcy? Airlines have been doing this for years. Restructure, reorganize, plan, execute, all the things required of a Fortune 500 company. The fat cats were doing so well with their money only a few years ago. They could have easily rewritten history then. What happened to the hybrids, the electric cars, all the glitz to show us you cared so much about the environment? You didn't care then, and you don't care now. But you still want some of this pie.
Just not very productive. I must have hit a wall or curve. I think I'll go for a walk and ponder some more stuff to be creative and active. A lot of buzz with the Prop 8 repeal folks and around the nation. This IS the civil rights movement of this decade. Recession, repression, depression, oppression... people just need to get along. It's not about you, it's about THEM (Gays and Lesbians) and their happiness. You're church didn't define marriage unless you tend to think the world started when churches were developed. "Marriage" or the "Union" of two people were recognized long before written history, long before the Bible. I thought this land was founded upon fleeing from religious prosecution? I guess if your religion don't fit in, you'll have to be oppressed, annihilated or forced to convert and repent a life not worth living... sound familiar? This time I don't think anyone is going anywhere. Don't tell me you have GLBT friends and voted Yes on 8, because that's just telling me that you're a fair-weather bigot. No need in to be egocentric in this world anymore. Look what the last 8 years have done to us. But if you voted for Bush, McCain, and Prop 8, then I'm just wasting my time with you.
Don't believe the hype. The only one that's gonna burn in hell is you for spreading lies and deceit about your fellow man.
It's about love, about two people wanting to celebrate and spending the rest of their lives together in bliss. It's not about your belief, it's about their happiness. It's about a simple freedom that you take for granted. Why do you really care or should about Proposition 8? It is one of the only few propositions in history to take away a right of civilized people. When you dictate to others who you can love, how you can live, and take away that civility, than it is not worth living a false lie. In California this year alone, Proposition 2 was passed allowing chickens and caged animals more room to live freely in their cages while, same sex marriages are banned. We have given more rights to animals than people. What kind of society are we? What are we saying to others? People who love one another, pay taxes, have actively participated in your communities and society are being stripped of an inalienable right to pursue happiness. Proponents of Proposition 8 sold to Californians the fear and hate from the religious right. Spreading lies and deceit that your children will be harmed by same sex marriages. The same lies used under inter-racial marriages as well as other lies used to control any population deemed unworthy of human rights. This is an issues that will not go quietly in the night. Opposition for Proposition 8 is not just Gays and Lesbians, we have included civil rights movements, minorities, people of religious rights that believe it is a sin but do not wish to have others suffer under a zealous right wing. Your children will look at this one day and wonder why, we can't accept that if two people who love one another, can't they get married and spend the rest of their lives in happiness. Why? This isn't 1963. Welcome to the world of tolerance and acceptance. I leave you, with this very powerful verse, from Love Is.
"In this world we've created In this place that we live In the blink of an eye the darkness slips in Love lights the world Unites the lovers for eternity" Love Is - Brian McKnight and Vanessa Williams
The elections are over. We have a new president. The fact that he's black is irrelevant to me but to some. The neo-con Christians have gained an edge for Proposition 8 passing, the same sex marriage. Babies having babies won't be killing themselves. Sacramento has a new mayor. And that's all I recall of the politics. Keep pushing and keep trying. Race isn't a color and Love isn't a gender. It shouldn't be anyway...
2 more days til the election is over and America will have a new leader. Most definitely a better one than the last of 8 years. Whom ever it may be needs to work across the aisle to make all these difficult choices quickly and make things right or steer it in the right direction. How will you celebrate it? It's been a long and difficult ordeal. This year was one that everyone voiced their opinion and that's what make this nation the greatest.