Monday, May 25, 2009

basking in the limelight

Congratulations to all the contestants, and a special one for Veronica Sartori for winning Miss Asia Sacramento 2009. Special thanks goes out to the wonderful staff of MAS for allowing me to shoot and showcase my work, Jay Lensch for being one of the photographic sidekicks, Loren Infeld for assisting in my lighting tricks. As you all know, lately I've been picking up photography work on a regular basis and that takes a lot of work in itself. Well, here is the new and improved edge and watermark that I was so raving on about. I hope you like it. M

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

somewhere just beyond the river

I'm taking a new approach to photography. I'm feeling too comfortable with event photography and am branching out to portraits or head shots. Maybe dabble a little into studio since I've had my lighting in my closet for about 2 years now. What can I say? I like to travel light, talking and interfacing with prospective clients, and creating life long friends in a matter of hours, not days.
So it's going to be a fun weekend with a beauty pageant show for me. I've got some interesting techniques I wanted to try out. Be not who you are, but what you want to be...(unknown)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Been away.. but I can't say where, cuz it's just not fair

I've been busy in life doing other stuff and lately, that's been shooting a whole lot more. Mostly fashion stuff, if you're still keeping up with me in my flickr, then you'll know what I mean. Here's a shot of one of my favorite models in Sacramento. Taken from the Red Cross Foundation at Lounge On20.