Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wanna Know What Sad Is?

It's FREAKIN FEBRUARY 17th and the California State Budget still isn't passed yet! 20,000 workers are planned to be laid off by tomorrow. I'm voting for new blood in the elected individuals in my district responsible for this horrible atrocity. Every year the budget is passed later and later, like clock work. Also like clock work, these people have the audacity to vote themselves a pay raise at the midnight hour as the last act of selfishness. Coincidentally, not 1, NOT 1 freaking Republican can help with a vote needed so desperately to help this economy out. There seems to be more whining than fixing this mess that got us here in the first place. I think a civil revolution could result in the near future, thanks to your politicians.

1 comment:

Heidi R. said...

It is RIDICULOUS!! we are feeling it over here at the county as well. all of our jobs are on the line...it is kind of stressful. The state and the federal govenrment are screwed, just screwed...im making a blog about this as well. it is just so ridiculous!!