Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Have you seen my Modjo?

I've been toying around with an effect called "tilt/shift" that allows you to turn certain pictures into "toys". When I went to London, one of my first stops was to St. Paul's Cathedral. It's an architectural wonder, built 100 years after it was designed. It's also very, very high. This was one of several shots from the top, which is about 350 feet. From the background [black, top right] , you can see another architectural wonder, The Gherkin. Now I have my own little Metropolis.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

And more great news... in the news...

Polaroid is making a comeback. Apparently there has been an overwhelming response by users like me and others that use films like polaroids, that the company is reversing a decision to continue manufacturing of it's T films. Read it all here. WOW, amazing to think that when I signed up for "Save the Polaroids", I was actually doing some good. This is amazing shit.

I'm on a Hassie binge...

After feeling like I'm still missing something. I think it's time to get a Hasselblad 550 CM. It's a medium format film camera, sturdy, that takes square pictures. Now you say, "Why on earth would you do that [Go back to shooting film]? Film is still being used to this very day in fashion magazines and some of the high output photography. Much like LP's or vinyl (records), it's an industry standard and will never go away. It makes my heart smile to think of a Hassie in my hands. I can't wait.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Seasons Greetings, in any language or holiday spirit you may wish.

One of many favorite holiday items. Here are 2, wines and photography. I hope you all have a memorable season, rich and poor.

Monday, December 22, 2008

A picture describes all 8 years of BU[SH] SHIT!

Just click on the picture for a bigger view. We haven't forgotten about 9-1-1!

Less than a month to go before the next Presidential change over.

...and I couldn't let it go on any longer...

for all you that thought that little Bush could actually pull off anything more than scandals and a corrupt government.
I'm pretty sure toasting to a new administration on NYE will be up there on the highlight of the night for the liberal news media.
Here's to a better future, one filled with clean air, pure water, renewed interest in natural resources, better education, a stablized economy, putting our children and country first, structurizing our financial addictions and burdens. Here's to better streets, schools, institutions to help the elderly, real foundations to assist our VFW's, regaining our dignity as a world class leader, to the transparency of a real government and not a secluded, secret nazi society, to no more fires in the vice president's office, to the end of corruption from top to bottom of the White House, to the continued vigilance of grand juries into the 9-1-1, the calling of heads for the financial meltdown, and the injustices that have been done from those that have used Liberty in the name of greed. May they all pay for the sake that have lost all.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Crossroads

I always seem to find myself coming in full circle. I walked away from the glamour of club night life and here I am again, being absorbed into it once again. This time, like always, is a new twist. I have been in heavy with fashion and seem to sway that way. Here's to whatever may lay ahead. Here are some friends from a Magnum Opus holiday party I went to. I've been working with them from the LUCID show.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's good to be King.

The fashion shoot for LUCID over the weekend had a great turnout for as little time promoting and last minute stuff was in order. I guess we actually have a following from the last time. I did some soul searching and found out I still need another lens, lol. I'm still in post production on the photos, so wait around a bit, I think you'll like it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

There's a hole in my pocket. I went holiday shopping today for me and me only. I hammered out my Nikon wish list in just one day. I afforded the 85mm f/1.8, 105mm f/1.8, and the 70-200mm f/2.8. That's a lot of sea shells by the sea shore for me. I guess I'll have to start collecting cans to keep up with the addiction. Can't wait for the results of these lens.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Drunk on your love, now I thirst for you.

Busy week to come. LUCID is back, making it's sophomore debut in Sacramento for the fashion aficionado's. Lots of background, in the making stuff and keeping busy. Get ready for those photos. Can you believe it? Already into Christmas shopping and the New Year is right around the corner. Does it even feel like the holidays, I'm still not feeling it...